The events of the myAbility Business Forum are tailored to different target groups and tackle various issues. Thanks to this, the member businesses can ensure that their employees participate in the right event, develop cross-sectoral competencies and knowledge and expand their know-how on accessibility and inclusion in the business world.


Upcoming events and webinars

[Translate to English:] Jubelndes Publikum in festlicher Kleidung. Davor auf einer grünen Fläche der Schriftzug: myAbility Wirtschaftsforum Eventkalender

Below, you will find all events and highlights hosted by the myAbility Business Forum in 2025.

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[Translate to English:] Grüner Text auf weißem Hintergrund: Zero Project. For a world with zero barriers. Darunter: March 05, 2025 Zero Conference Side Event

What are the biggest challenges for inclusion in the business world? And how do we meet them on a national, regional and international level? What…

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How can inclusive employer branding be used to attract suitable applicants? Our experts will answer these and other questions in our next webinar.

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Our best events and webinars

[Translate to English:] Potenziale von inklusivem Recruiting entdecken: Bewerber:innenmit Behinderungen durch Perspektivenwechsel verstehen

In this webinar, experts addressed the question of how to create more inclusive recruiting processes. The webinar offered inspiring insights into…

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Last week, we finally celebrated the very first DisAbility Confidence Day (DCD) Switzerland at the Google Accessibility Discovery Center in Zurich.…

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Colorful paper figures on a network

Mental health disorders are forms of disabilities that often go unnoticed. The number of people with mental health disorders is steadily increasing.…

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Collage of different people speaking to the DCD 2021

On November 23, 2021, held in the Julius-Raab Hall of the Chamber of Commerce, Austrian companies were able to point the way for more equal…

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Sabine Herlitschka and Gregor Demblin in conversation

myAbility again in lofty heights -- The first myAbility live event took place on October 21, 2021 with Industry Crisis Manager Sabine Herlitschka in…

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Language creates reality. The way we use language subconsciously changes our attitudes towards people with disabilities. The myAbility Economic Forum…

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Chart showing the three main influencing factors: 1) type of disability (visible/invisible, cognitive/physical, expression); 2) personal experience (private, professional, cultural); 3) corporate culture (leadership, diversity mix, target group).

Unconscious biases and cognitive distortions have a significant influence on our everyday decisions as well as a negative effect on people with…

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