Removing barriers in the recruitment process and discover new talent

What must be considered when recruiting people with disabilities and chronic diseases? Our experts are happy to provide all answers to this in our workshops.

An overview of what we offer:

In a 2-hour workshop tailored for your company, you learn about barrier-free recruitment, from job advertisements to the onboarding process. This workshop is aimed at employees in the recruiting and human resources departments.

The workshop includes:

  • Information on the legal framework and funding opportunities
  • Information about accessible career pages
  • Developing meaningful and inclusive job advertisements
  • Introduction to the application process and application scenarios involving people with disabilities
  • Onboarding tips
  • Best practices
  • Creating a toolkit specially tailored for the company

How we work

Experts coming from inclusive teams assist you using the following methods:

  1. Lectures and case studies
  2. Group work and discussions
  3. Role plays and brainstorming