About myAbility

The economy as the driving force of social change

We are myAbility, a social enterprise committed to a fair and barrier-free society.

It all began with Gregor Demblin and Wolfgang Kowatsch in 2009 launching the first job search website - myAbility.jobs - for people with disabilities in German-speaking countries. Gregor's motivation was to fight against the many prejudices and barriers stuck in people's minds that he faced as a person with a mobility impairment. Together with Wolfgang, who was then managing director of a large online job board, they began their Mission to help companies see the potential of people with disabilities and the economic factor related to disabilities. In 2014, together with Sandra Edelmann and Michael Aumann, they founded the social management consulting enterprise myAbility.

We assist companies to create an inclusive corporate culture, keep running Europe's largest german-speaking corporate network on the subject of inclusion – the myAbility economic forum – and support students and graduates to enter the world of work in the myAbility Talent® Program. The fact that Social Impact must be made measurable is also very important to us.


2009 - Launching the inclusion project Career Moves -- the first inclusive job search website in German-speaking countries

2014 - Founding myAbility and establishing the company network DisAbility Wirtschaftsforum, developing the DisAbility Performance Check for companies

2016 - Launching the myAbility Talent® Program, developing successful training solutions, such as the Sensing Journey®

2017 - Receiving the Austrian HR Award in the category “Recruiting and Employer Branding”

2018 - DisAbility Confidence Day with over 300 visitors and the first “myAbility Lounge”, Membership to the Global Business and DisAbility Network of the United Nations (ILO)

2019 - Expanding the myAbility Talent® Program to Germany and Switzerland

2020myAbility.jobs - the job portal for people with disabilities in Germany goes online

2021 - Purple Light Up Campaign with over 140 participating companies, receiving Austria's Leading Companies Award (ALC) in the category “Inclusion in Austria”

2022 - Launching the digital e-learning platform ALL (Ability Learning Landscape), Membership to the Expert Panel of TheValuable500

2023 - myAbility receives the Verified Social Enterprise Label (VSE) from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW) as one of the first companies in Austria.

2023 - Winner of the Diversity Accelerator Award at "The Spark - the German Digital Award" presented by McKinsey & Company and Handelsblatt.

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Jobs at myAbility

Video of the "Wirtschaftskammer Wien" about myAbility