Our work aims to facilitate and enable people with disabilities and chronic conditions to gain access to the job market and to participate in the economy. This is what we focus on and the reason why we support companies in recognizing these perspectives and opportunities as well as accompanying them in the process towards an inclusive corporate culture. With professionalism, commitment and joy, as an inclusive team we work on the #InclusionRevolution with professionalism, commitment and joy. 💜🌈.


Filter Persons

47 persons are displayed.

Tina Allerbauer (she/her)

Office Management (Karenz)

Michael Aumann (he/him)

Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder

Anna Brouns (she/her)

DisAbility Recruiting Consultant

Annika Candy (she/her)

myAbility.jobs Product Management

Lena Cebul (she/her)

Content & Social Media Marketing Assistenz

Antonia Cichocki (she/her)

DisAbility Management Consultant

Portrait of Rhea Goschl. She has medium length brown hair and is smiling at the camera.

Rhea Göschl (she/her)

Senior Expert Digital Accessibility (Karenz)

Karin Ladner (She/her)

Office Managerin

Viviane Martin (she/her)

Talent Management und Kommunikation

Dominik Moser (he/him)

myAbility.jobs Product Management

Sophia Neuwirth (she/her)

DisAbility Management Consultant

Tania Pilz (she/her)

Content Creator & Social Media Managerin

Elisabeth Prinz (she/her)

DisAbility Trainerin

Erik Schäfer (he/him)

DisAbility Management Consultant

Jenni Zeller (she/her)

Business Network Managerin

photo credit

©Renée Del Missier