Inclusive communication

Language creates reality. The way we use language subconsciously changes our attitudes towards people with disabilities. Disability? Impairment? Disabled people? Where does this considerable uncertainty come from when we talk about disabilities? And how do we adequately include the topic in our corporate communication? This training deals with both the internal Training of companies. Furthermore, you will learn more about how to address target groups, employer branding and how you can turn your knowledge into action.

Workshops and expert advice

myAbility supports you in the implementation of inclusive and accessible communication measures.

The training and workshops are individually adaptable and cover the following areas:

  • Inclusive language and storytelling
  • Accessibility and inclusive language in the areas of marketing, campaigns, addressing target groups, employer branding, web, documents, visual images, social media etc.
  • Barrier-free internal communication
  • Gender-inclusive language and accessibility

Articles on inclusive communication:

Inclusive language

In this article you learn how to communicate in an inclusive way and talk about disability.

Inclusive storytelling

This happens automatically when people with disabilities naturally form part of the narrative.

Inclusive marketing campaigns

Besides our training courses and workshops on the subject of inclusive and accessible communication, we assist your company in implementing inclusive marketing campaigns.

Since implementing the issue of disability in media and campaigns is rather complex, it requires a great deal of knowledge as well as a respectful and sensitive approach. As a competent partner with expert knowledge, myAbility supports you in the planning and implementation of campaigns and marketing activities. With a successful inclusive marketing campaign, your company makes a valuable contribution in establishing a confident and modern approach to the issue of disability in society.

Contact our advisor

Portrait of Andreas Maierhofer, male person with short brown hair and beard in white shirt and gray jacket

Andreas Maierhofer (he/him)

Lead Wirtschaftsforum D-A-CH, Inclusive Business Development

call Andreas Maierhofer (he/him):+43 660 611 54 80

send mail to Andreas Maierhofer (he/him):
