You are here: - the largest job board for people with disabilities in German-speaking countries
Around 15 million people with disabilities and chronic diseases, e.g. visual and / or hearing impairments, mobility impairments, mental health disorders, cancer, epilepsy or diabetes, are living in the DACH region. On our job portal, you have the opportunity to specifically address job seekers with disabilities and chronic diseases.
People with disabilities are qualified employees and applicants, and represent a large group with underused potential in the job market.
Various benefits of targeted DisAbility Recruitment
- Talent pool expansion: Tap into a target group that is hardly noticed and find new, qualified candidates.
- Employer branding: Increase brand awareness to promote your company and position yourself as an attractive employer.
- Economic advantages: Reduce personnel costs and compensation payments through subsidies and tax savings.
- Development of your diversity management strategy: Acquire expertise in the areas of accessibility and inclusion, and document this in the CSR report.
Contact our advisor

Kathrin Kerschbaumer (she/her)
Lead Inclusive Recruiting D-A-CH
call Kathrin Kerschbaumer (she/her):+43 699 142 691 37
send mail to Kathrin Kerschbaumer (she/her):